Charles Bukowski: A kezdő
2009.08.21. 17:13 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: gorkij pulitzer gogol balzac dosztojevszkij new yorker huxley aldous lawrence d h salinger j d shaw george bernard gilbert w s hemingway ernest poe edgar allan wolfe thomas anderson sherwood bukowski charles dreiser theodor lewis sinclair thurber james hitler adolf turgenyev ivan atlantic the sinclair upton harpers lawrence josephine dos passos john shaw irwin
Lawrence Block: A betörő, akit temetni veszélyes
2009.04.14. 18:25 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: monthy python mann thomas voltaire vanity fair defoe daniel christie agatha hugo victor kant i franklin benjamin poe edgar allan twain mark brontë sisters dickens charles chandler raymond parker dorothy dickinson emily waugh evelyn doyle arthur conan herbert george saki trollope anthony sayers dorothy hammett dashiell block lawrence grimes martha georges elisabeth susan durham philip mcshane frank layman richard daly carroll john davis norbert mccoy horace ballard todhunter stout rex atlantic the mcbain ed town & country sinclair upton farrell j t chatwin bruce smith sydney knopf hamish hamilton murdoch iris boulle pierre southey robert straub peter

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