Alan Bennett: A királynő olvas
2010.05.30. 12:05 Dün
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Címkék: sun biblia balzac shakespeare dosztojevszkij proust nabokov conrad joseph hardy thomas eliot t s austen jane swift jonathan fielding henry mcewan ian woolf virginia rowling j k johnson samuel beckett samuel sterne lawrence thackeray william makepeace brontë sisters dickens charles james henry dickinson emily turgenyev ivan hughes ted priestley john boynton mare walter de la trollope anthony thomas dylan eliot george larkin philip plath sylvia byatt a s roth philip francis dick forster e m frost robert rushdie salman carroll lewis renault mary genet jean kilvert f mitford nancy trollope joanna isherwood c burnett ivy compton ackerley j r masefield john brookner anita powys john cowper morris jan mcnab andy seht vikram holtby winifred brunhoff jean de betjeman john munroe alice tremain rose ishiguro kazuo welch denton powell anthony cecil david
Zadie Smith: A szépségről
2009.11.27. 08:38 Dün
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Címkék: biblia vogue wittgenstein shakespeare platón homérosz new yorker baudelaire charles nabokov heidegger martin chesterton g k arisztotelész pound ezra barthes joyce james eliot t s pope alexander vergilius milton john austen jane hugo victor beauvoir simone sartre j p keats john zola émile flaubert gustave ginsberg allen machiavelli niccolo russell bertrand rimbaud arthur thackeray william makepeace cheever john orwell george fitzgerald francis scott new york times wilde oscar verne jules dickinson emily addison joseph carlyle thomas trollope anthony foucault michel chomsky noam stevens wallace plath sylvia collins wilkie forster e m carroll lewis holmes oliver wendell murdoch iris herald tribune angelou maya adorno theodor laird nick oreilly bill gramsci antonio bloom harold ferlinghetti lawrence doty mark naipaul v s keller helen baudrillard jean
Truman Capote: Mozart és a kaméleonok
2009.05.04. 00:02 Dün
9 komment
Címkék: biblia vogue csehov penthouse shakespeare proust nabokov huxley aldous mishima yukio görög mitológia esquire readers digest maupassant christie agatha austen jane greene graham keats john hawthorne nataniel flaubert gustave faulkner william capote truman johnson samuel hemingway ernest melville herman rimbaud arthur wolfe thomas fitzgerald francis scott twain mark edward albee cocteau jean vidal gore wilde oscar toklas alice b dickens charles chandler raymond james henry blixen karen cather willa saturday evening post dickinson emily shelley percy bysshe trollope anthony annunzio gabriele d plath sylvia gardner erle stanley fleming ian forster e m frost robert cummings e e miller arthur thoreau henry david carroll lewis ambler eric houstler oui herald tribune drutman irving isherwood c kurnitz harry gimbel peter fonvielle lloyd stein gertrud cunard nancy porter cole
Lawrence Block: A betörő, akit temetni veszélyes
2009.04.14. 18:25 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: monthy python mann thomas voltaire vanity fair defoe daniel christie agatha hugo victor kant i franklin benjamin poe edgar allan twain mark brontë sisters dickens charles chandler raymond parker dorothy dickinson emily waugh evelyn doyle arthur conan herbert george saki trollope anthony sayers dorothy hammett dashiell block lawrence grimes martha georges elisabeth susan durham philip mcshane frank layman richard daly carroll john davis norbert mccoy horace ballard todhunter stout rex atlantic the mcbain ed town & country sinclair upton farrell j t chatwin bruce smith sydney knopf hamish hamilton murdoch iris boulle pierre southey robert straub peter
Philip Roth: Szégyenfolt
2009.03.08. 22:28 szamárfül/pável
3 komment
Címkék: biblia marx kundera balzac shakespeare dosztojevszkij homérosz mann thomas grimm stendhal engels friedrich chaucer g swift jonathan beauvoir simone freud sigmund shaw george bernard bakunyin mihail rousseau jean jacques hawthorne nataniel beecher stowe harriet caesar gaius julius melville herman twain mark lewis sinclair new york times dickens charles szophoklész herodotosz dickinson emily sollers philippe morrison jim kropotkin pjotr a euripidesz abélard pierre bataille georges kristeva julia roth philip buckley william lonoff e i commentary partisan rewiew thoreau henry david rushdie salman henson jim newark evenings news cohan george michael freie arbeite stimme midstream walters barbara bannett william brothers joyce baldwin james ferroni giorgio stegani giorgo new york review of books
J. D. Salinger: Franny és Zooey
2009.02.04. 17:09 sophie.
1 komment
Címkék: biblia csehov shakespeare dosztojevszkij homérosz rilke r m tolsztoj l ny kafka franz kierkegaard lao ce stendhal flaubert gustave hemingway ernest wolfe thomas fitzgerald francis scott twain mark colette sidonie gabrielle dickens charles sappho lardner ring dickinson emily turgenyev ivan synge j m epiktetosz kilvert f issa i caussade lenormand h r
Leon, Donna: Nemesi kisugárzás
2008.12.27. 12:13 egy emberr
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Címkék: marx catullus shakespeare arisztotelész petrarca francesco cicero quintus tullius donne john szophoklész dickinson emily petronius abélard pierre manzoni allessandro krítiász
Byatt, A. S.: Mindenem
2008.12.09. 14:00 kiscsiga (törölt)
11 komment
Címkék: robin hood times edda biblia korán shakespeare platón dosztojevszkij homérosz kipling goethe grimm yeats william butler spenser edmund pound ezra barthes vergilius milton john austen jane chaucer g swift jonathan cervantes swedenborg emanuel scott walter dante a freud sigmund darwin charles keats john petrarca francesco hawthorne nataniel marvell andrew luther m bunyan john zola émile woolf virginia weil simone whitman walt franklin benjamin donne john bacon francis blake william melville herman poe edgar allan stevenson robert louis schiller f graves robert fitzgerald francis scott brontë sisters brontë emily dickens charles james henry sappho cather willa dickinson emily spinoza tennyson alfred andersen hans christian descartes rené biblia énekek éneke herbert george sand george terentius fourier charles owen robert ágoston szent vico g b lacan jacques emerson ralph waldo wordsworth william swinburne algernon charles gibbon edward coleridge samuel taylor webster john ezópus mill j s renan ernest racine jean michelet jules abélard pierre biblia jób könyve yonge charlotte m barrie j m ward humphrey mrs wyatt thomas trollope anthony ariosto ludovico foucault michel ford madox eliot george derrida jacques de quincey thomas plotinosz vegetti finzi silvia darras jean arthur mondakör tieck ludwig peacock mabel schleiermacher f d e francis dick owen robert dale le goff jacques browne thomas jakab király gaskell elizabeth vaughan henri smollett tobias drucker saul podmore frank fouqué de la motte f bembo pietro watts dunton theodore scrutiny journal drayton michael allingham margery beda venerabilis rosetti christina gottschalk lamb charles stael madame de lewes g h clough arthur hugh bagehot walter wieland c m malory thomas wesley charles rosetti gabriel mayhew henry brazil angela feuerbach l a jános patmoszi wollstonecraft mary cixous héléne gosse edmund fuller margaret lytton lord forster e m martineau harriet wharton edith morris william biblia jános biblia exodus biblia dániel carroll lewis
Lawrence Block: A betörő, aki Bogartnak képzelte magát
2008.12.03. 18:03 szamárfül/pável
1 komment
Címkék: casanova balzac kipling conrad joseph defoe daniel steinbeck john faulkner william capote truman wolfe thomas lewis sinclair wolfe tom chandler raymond verne jules dickinson emily baum lyman frank spinoza wodehouse pelham grenville mitchell margaret lupino ida huston john alison joan burnett murray hall james norman nordhoff charles b fischer vardis link w levinson r grafton sue schorer mark rabe peter goodis david durant will boccaccio gardner erle stanley hornung ernest william praed winthrop mackworth durant ariel
Audrey Niffenegger: Az időutazó felesége
2008.11.14. 13:06 kiscsiga (törölt)
13 komment
Címkék: times america marx nature shakespeare homérosz borges baudelaire charles proust nabokov tolkien kierkegaard montaigne grimm esquire conrad joseph defoe daniel kleist heinrich von lawrence d h barthes joyce james christie agatha chaucer g dante a trockij lev kant i woolf virginia melville herman sterne lawrence verlaine paul chandler raymond aquinói szent tamás donovan dickinson emily andersen hans christian waugh evelyn milne alan a doyle arthur conan smith adam marlowe christopher szapphó ezópus priestley john boynton barrie j m oxford szótár biblia zsoltárok foucault michel biblia lukács evang walcott derek graham john burroughs william s bradstreet anne derrida jacques lesy michael berkeley george audubon john james sayers dorothy mad magazine world almanach biblia máté evangéliuma travers p l keene carolyn morrisy william thompson morton lengle madeleine collins wilkie wu chen quarles francis art in byatt a s mccartney paul luxenburg rosa debernieres louis neruda pablo bishop elizabeth levin ira chicago tribune random house dictionary encyclopedia americana pop iggy gutenberg töredék caxton william jenson nicolas de quincey thomas bailey jill george nelson gano gordon carroll lewis
Allen, Woody: Tollatlan jószág
2008.10.08. 16:28 kiscsiga (törölt)
1 komment
Címkék: biblia wittgenstein shakespeare homérosz proust kierkegaard voltaire yeats william butler szókratész pound ezra eliot t s pope alexander milton john chaucer g swift jonathan hugo victor dante a freud sigmund auden w h kant i johnson samuel pirandello luigi jonson ben blake william lincoln abraham melville herman jávor lászló dreiser theodor new york times mailer norman williams tennessee dickinson emily strindberg august ibsen henrik marlowe christopher euripidesz barret browning elizabeth allen woody chomsky noam macdonald dwight stevens wallace trilling lionel sobol donald j encyclopaedia britannica eliot george carroll lewis
Palahniuk, Chuck: Cigányút
2008.09.21. 11:39 szamárfül/pável
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: biblia hawthorne nataniel woolf virginia brontë emily dickinson emily brontë charlotte biblia leviták biblia zsoltárok foucault michel nin anais fleming ian

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