Truman Capote: Mozart és a kaméleonok
2009.05.04. 00:02 Dün
9 komment
Címkék: biblia vogue csehov penthouse shakespeare proust nabokov huxley aldous mishima yukio görög mitológia esquire readers digest maupassant christie agatha austen jane greene graham keats john hawthorne nataniel flaubert gustave faulkner william capote truman johnson samuel hemingway ernest melville herman rimbaud arthur wolfe thomas fitzgerald francis scott twain mark edward albee cocteau jean vidal gore wilde oscar toklas alice b dickens charles chandler raymond james henry blixen karen cather willa saturday evening post dickinson emily shelley percy bysshe trollope anthony annunzio gabriele d plath sylvia gardner erle stanley fleming ian forster e m frost robert cummings e e miller arthur thoreau henry david carroll lewis ambler eric houstler oui herald tribune drutman irving isherwood c kurnitz harry gimbel peter fonvielle lloyd stein gertrud cunard nancy porter cole
Philip Roth: A tények
2008.12.14. 23:47 szamárfül/pável
2 komment
Címkék: shakespeare dosztojevszkij new yorker proust kafka franz esquire defoe daniel joyce james salinger j d woolf virginia flaubert gustave ginsberg allen capote truman hemingway ernest wolfe thomas bellow saul fitzgerald francis scott dreiser theodor mailer norman wilde oscar james henry szophoklész emerson ralph waldo roth philip buckley william schulberg budd kupferberg tuli goldstein al bruce lenny cummings e e maurer robert current biography field and steam cynewulf et cetera bucknellian the mildred martin baugh a zuckermann nathan lonoff e i miller arthur sheridan richard brinsley jackson charles stern richard rogers thomas solotaroff ted new republik sherwood andrson lichtenstein gene hills rust greenberg martin silvers martin plimpton george shawn william asher aaron wise robert cohen elliot commentary buck perl daroff díj uris leon ellison ralph di donato pietro partisan rewiew new american rewiew random house fox joe epstein jason goodwin dick cerf bennett
Audrey Niffenegger: Az időutazó felesége
2008.11.14. 13:06 kiscsiga (törölt)
13 komment
Címkék: times america marx nature shakespeare homérosz borges baudelaire charles proust nabokov tolkien kierkegaard montaigne grimm esquire conrad joseph defoe daniel kleist heinrich von lawrence d h barthes joyce james christie agatha chaucer g dante a trockij lev kant i woolf virginia melville herman sterne lawrence verlaine paul chandler raymond aquinói szent tamás donovan dickinson emily andersen hans christian waugh evelyn milne alan a doyle arthur conan smith adam marlowe christopher szapphó ezópus priestley john boynton barrie j m oxford szótár biblia zsoltárok foucault michel biblia lukács evang walcott derek graham john burroughs william s bradstreet anne derrida jacques lesy michael berkeley george audubon john james sayers dorothy mad magazine world almanach biblia máté evangéliuma travers p l keene carolyn morrisy william thompson morton lengle madeleine collins wilkie wu chen quarles francis art in byatt a s mccartney paul luxenburg rosa debernieres louis neruda pablo bishop elizabeth levin ira chicago tribune random house dictionary encyclopedia americana pop iggy gutenberg töredék caxton william jenson nicolas de quincey thomas bailey jill george nelson gano gordon carroll lewis

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