Bret Easton Ellis: A vonzás szabályai
2009.08.05. 20:26 Dün
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Címkék: playboy vogue interview kundera penthouse shakespeare dosztojevszkij glamour hustler kerouac kafka franz voice görög mitológia yeats william butler joyce james garcía márquez gabriel pinter harold dante a freud sigmund ginsberg allen beckett samuel hemingway ernest new york times mailer norman stein gertrude strindberg august rolling stone burgess anthony stevens wallace plath sylvia king stephen cummings e e sontag susan pynchon thomas ludlum robert lowell robert town & country straub peter moore marianne irving john obrien tim weekly word shepard richmond new left sikibu muraszaki rand ayn business week schell jonathan edward acker kathy thompson hunter s kilodney crad artforum stein jean orton joe
Charles Bukowski: Nők
2009.07.19. 16:55 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: variety knight new yorker mann thomas nietzsche friedrich huxley aldous kafka franz report lawrence d h london jack sade de hamsun knut ginsberg allen whitman walt capote truman hemingway ernest bukowski charles brontë sisters celine louis ferdinand mailer norman mccullers carson atlantic monthly garcia lorca f thomas dylan biblia ószövetség burroughs william s genet jean harpers evans randy fante john creely robert cortez jayne
Philip Roth: Szellem el
2009.05.17. 21:08 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: times ibsen csehov people shakespeare dosztojevszkij new yorker mann thomas nabokov vanity fair hardy thomas lawrence d h eliot t s milton john pascal blaise keats john byron george hawthorne nataniel bunyan john faulkner william millay edna st vincent capote truman hemingway ernest melville herman orwell george twain mark new york times brontë emily mailer norman stein gertrude james henry frank anne alcott louisa may cooper j f brontë charlotte stevens wallace roth philip wharton edith singer isaac bashevis cummings e e plimpton george commentary ellison ralph partisan rewiew rushdie salman longfellow henry wadsworth lowell robert new york review of books malamud bernard roth henry irving washington esquirescribner levi primo new leader the boston globe berkshire eagle dissent wright richard morrison toni williams carlos willam paris rewiew moore marianne
Kurt Vonnegut: Isten hozott a majomházban!
2009.01.03. 22:51 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: times shakespeare new yorker vonnegut kurt london jack eliot t s auden w h johnson samuel hemingway ernest twain mark mailer norman williams tennessee styron william barret browning elizabeth biblia máté evangéliuma ellison ralph random house cerf bennett wouk herman hilton james mencken h l sherwood r e jones james selby hubert pei mario jones grover inge william frings ketti barth john yates richard scholes robert bourjaily vance wallant e l chambers whittaker murra g
Philip Roth: A tények
2008.12.14. 23:47 szamárfül/pável
2 komment
Címkék: shakespeare dosztojevszkij new yorker proust kafka franz esquire defoe daniel joyce james salinger j d woolf virginia flaubert gustave ginsberg allen capote truman hemingway ernest wolfe thomas bellow saul fitzgerald francis scott dreiser theodor mailer norman wilde oscar james henry szophoklész emerson ralph waldo roth philip buckley william schulberg budd kupferberg tuli goldstein al bruce lenny cummings e e maurer robert current biography field and steam cynewulf et cetera bucknellian the mildred martin baugh a zuckermann nathan lonoff e i miller arthur sheridan richard brinsley jackson charles stern richard rogers thomas solotaroff ted new republik sherwood andrson lichtenstein gene hills rust greenberg martin silvers martin plimpton george shawn william asher aaron wise robert cohen elliot commentary buck perl daroff díj uris leon ellison ralph di donato pietro partisan rewiew new american rewiew random house fox joe epstein jason goodwin dick cerf bennett
Allen, Woody: Tollatlan jószág
2008.10.08. 16:28 kiscsiga (törölt)
1 komment
Címkék: biblia wittgenstein shakespeare homérosz proust kierkegaard voltaire yeats william butler szókratész pound ezra eliot t s pope alexander milton john chaucer g swift jonathan hugo victor dante a freud sigmund auden w h kant i johnson samuel pirandello luigi jonson ben blake william lincoln abraham melville herman jávor lászló dreiser theodor new york times mailer norman williams tennessee dickinson emily strindberg august ibsen henrik marlowe christopher euripidesz barret browning elizabeth allen woody chomsky noam macdonald dwight stevens wallace trilling lionel sobol donald j encyclopaedia britannica eliot george carroll lewis

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