Samuel Butler: Minden testnek útja
2011.01.26. 01:43 entropic
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Címkék: times biblia horatius shakespeare platón homérosz aiszkhülosz pope alexander vergilius milton john austen jane cervantes dante a darwin charles richardson samuel fielding henry petrarca francesco byron george bunyan john demoszthenesz cicero quintus tullius bacon francis thackeray william makepeace dickens charles szophoklész tennyson alfred thukidüdész lucretius tasso livius andronicus theokritosz euripidesz spectator ariosto ludovico biblia pál levelei arisztophanész juvenalis
2009.12.13. 00:28 evocatio
3 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare milton john chaucer g sade de dante a capote truman hemingway ernest maugham somerset w hitler adolf aquinói szent tamás doyle arthur conan
Zadie Smith: A szépségről
2009.11.27. 08:38 Dün
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Címkék: biblia vogue wittgenstein shakespeare platón homérosz new yorker baudelaire charles nabokov heidegger martin chesterton g k arisztotelész pound ezra barthes joyce james eliot t s pope alexander vergilius milton john austen jane hugo victor beauvoir simone sartre j p keats john zola émile flaubert gustave ginsberg allen machiavelli niccolo russell bertrand rimbaud arthur thackeray william makepeace cheever john orwell george fitzgerald francis scott new york times wilde oscar verne jules dickinson emily addison joseph carlyle thomas trollope anthony foucault michel chomsky noam stevens wallace plath sylvia collins wilkie forster e m carroll lewis holmes oliver wendell murdoch iris herald tribune angelou maya adorno theodor laird nick oreilly bill gramsci antonio bloom harold ferlinghetti lawrence doty mark naipaul v s keller helen baudrillard jean
Elizabeth Gaskell: Sylvia szerelmei
2009.08.03. 23:17 kiscsiga (törölt)
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Címkék: biblia goethe grimm pope alexander milton john bunyan john tennyson alfred klopstock f g biblia zsoltárok biblia máté evangéliuma smollett tobias biblia salamon biblia királyok könyve biblia jelenések könyve római mitológia mason john law william mavor w f biblia prédikátorok biblia eszter könyve la rochefoucauld biblia zakariás johnson richard
"John Thomas és Lady Jane"
2009.07.16. 15:14 szamárfül/pável
2 komment
Címkék: biblia buddha shakespeare platón goldoni proust arisztotelész maupassant milton john sade de fielding henry bergson henri james henry tennyson alfred iszokratész swinburne algernon charles racine jean abélard pierre eliot george biblia ószövetség don juan gaskell elizabeth biblia újszövetség mitford mary russell wandervogel cellini benvenuto
Virginia Woolf: Orlando
2009.07.13. 10:20 kiscsiga (törölt)
6 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare görög mitológia defoe daniel macaulay pope alexander milton john dryden john swift jonathan scott walter pascal blaise keats john marvell andrew cicero quintus tullius woolf virginia boswell james johnson samuel donne john sterne lawrence brontë emily wilde oscar tennyson alfred shelley percy bysshe wordsworth william addison joseph marlowe christopher spectator pater walter smiles samuel greene robert berkeley george tatler arthur mondakör browne thomas lamb charles gosse edmund de quincey sackville west vita johnson ben du deffand marie rossetti christina tupper martin farquhar finch anne
Philip Roth: Szellem el
2009.05.17. 21:08 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: times ibsen csehov people shakespeare dosztojevszkij new yorker mann thomas nabokov vanity fair hardy thomas lawrence d h eliot t s milton john pascal blaise keats john byron george hawthorne nataniel bunyan john faulkner william millay edna st vincent capote truman hemingway ernest melville herman orwell george twain mark new york times brontë emily mailer norman stein gertrude james henry frank anne alcott louisa may cooper j f brontë charlotte stevens wallace roth philip wharton edith singer isaac bashevis cummings e e plimpton george commentary ellison ralph partisan rewiew rushdie salman longfellow henry wadsworth lowell robert new york review of books malamud bernard roth henry irving washington esquirescribner levi primo new leader the boston globe berkshire eagle dissent wright richard morrison toni williams carlos willam paris rewiew moore marianne
Egy tenyér ha csattan
2009.04.19. 23:28 szamárfül/pável
2 komment
Címkék: shakespeare lawrence d h eliot t s pope alexander milton john herrick robert swift jonathan scott walter shaw george bernard keats john johnson samuel dekker thomas jonson ben russell bertrand brontë sisters dickens charles james henry chatterton thomas sand george stoker bram ford madox burgess anthony eliot george grahame kenneth forster e m longfellow henry wadsworth gray thomas macpherson james apuleiosz browne thomas sir congreve william hallam a a durrell lawrence webb mary frazer james sir kingsley henry jakab i. gower john henryson robert langland william massinger philip marwell andrew
Aldous Huxley: Visszatérés a szép új világhoz
2009.01.01. 14:40 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: marx shakespeare dosztojevszkij huxley aldous milton john freud sigmund keats john james william jefferson thomas bacon francis russell bertrand hemingway ernest stevenson robert louis orwell george stein gertrude mill john stuart biblia zsoltárok biblia exodus churchill winston fromm erich mill james dewey john skinner burrhus frederic
Byatt, A. S.: Mindenem
2008.12.09. 14:00 kiscsiga (törölt)
11 komment
Címkék: robin hood times edda biblia korán shakespeare platón dosztojevszkij homérosz kipling goethe grimm yeats william butler spenser edmund pound ezra barthes vergilius milton john austen jane chaucer g swift jonathan cervantes swedenborg emanuel scott walter dante a freud sigmund darwin charles keats john petrarca francesco hawthorne nataniel marvell andrew luther m bunyan john zola émile woolf virginia weil simone whitman walt franklin benjamin donne john bacon francis blake william melville herman poe edgar allan stevenson robert louis schiller f graves robert fitzgerald francis scott brontë sisters brontë emily dickens charles james henry sappho cather willa dickinson emily spinoza tennyson alfred andersen hans christian descartes rené biblia énekek éneke herbert george sand george terentius fourier charles owen robert ágoston szent vico g b lacan jacques emerson ralph waldo wordsworth william swinburne algernon charles gibbon edward coleridge samuel taylor webster john ezópus mill j s renan ernest racine jean michelet jules abélard pierre biblia jób könyve yonge charlotte m barrie j m ward humphrey mrs wyatt thomas trollope anthony ariosto ludovico foucault michel ford madox eliot george derrida jacques de quincey thomas plotinosz vegetti finzi silvia darras jean arthur mondakör tieck ludwig peacock mabel schleiermacher f d e francis dick owen robert dale le goff jacques browne thomas jakab király gaskell elizabeth vaughan henri smollett tobias drucker saul podmore frank fouqué de la motte f bembo pietro watts dunton theodore scrutiny journal drayton michael allingham margery beda venerabilis rosetti christina gottschalk lamb charles stael madame de lewes g h clough arthur hugh bagehot walter wieland c m malory thomas wesley charles rosetti gabriel mayhew henry brazil angela feuerbach l a jános patmoszi wollstonecraft mary cixous héléne gosse edmund fuller margaret lytton lord forster e m martineau harriet wharton edith morris william biblia jános biblia exodus biblia dániel carroll lewis
Allen, Woody: Tollatlan jószág
2008.10.08. 16:28 kiscsiga (törölt)
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Címkék: biblia wittgenstein shakespeare homérosz proust kierkegaard voltaire yeats william butler szókratész pound ezra eliot t s pope alexander milton john chaucer g swift jonathan hugo victor dante a freud sigmund auden w h kant i johnson samuel pirandello luigi jonson ben blake william lincoln abraham melville herman jávor lászló dreiser theodor new york times mailer norman williams tennessee dickinson emily strindberg august ibsen henrik marlowe christopher euripidesz barret browning elizabeth allen woody chomsky noam macdonald dwight stevens wallace trilling lionel sobol donald j encyclopaedia britannica eliot george carroll lewis
Jasper Fforde: A Jane Eyre-eset
2008.09.08. 14:27 kilfenora
11 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare goethe nietzsche friedrich milton john austen jane dryden john swift jonathan pascal blaise fielding henry keats john byron george johnson samuel jonson ben bacon francis blake william poe edgar allan thackeray william makepeace orwell george brontë sisters dickens charles doyle arthur conan shelley percy bysshe wordsworth william coleridge samuel taylor marlowe christopher webster john marston john hall henry barret browning elizabeth stoker bram greene robert nash thomas de vere edward garrick david meres francis trollope anthony brontë charlotte george eliot
Orwell, George: A fikusz és az Antikrisztus
2008.09.08. 10:30 kiscsiga (törölt)
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Címkék: robin hood times biblia marx lenin athenaeum horatius shakespeare new age goethe baudelaire charles huxley aldous stendhal yeats william butler hardy thomas pound ezra lawrence d h joyce james eliot t s vergilius milton john chaucer g swift jonathan scott walter dante a shaw george bernard auden w h housman a e burroughs edgar rice marvell andrew woolf virginia browning robert hemingway ernest stevenson robert louis lewis sinclair maugham somerset w dickens charles james henry milne alan a doyle arthur conan swinburne algernon charles coleridge samuel taylor meredith george villon francois arlen michael deeping warwick dell ethel m frankau pamela galsworthy john gibbs philip priestley john boynton sapper walpole hugh blackeyes sadie mac orlan pierre carlyle thomas ruskin john pater walter farrar dean herbert a p knox ronald strachey lytton davies william henry thomas edward mare walter de la campbell roy day lewis cecil spender stephen yonge charlotte m bedworthy barbara wallace edgar barrie j m weekly westminster tressel robert smiles samuel broughton rhoda wood henry mrs caine hall ward humphrey mrs hocking silas merriman h setton locke william j hichens robert smythe sitwell osbert sunday post peele george wyatt thomas lempriére john drinkwater john daily mail ingoldsby thomas whitaker almanack oxford szótár
Szerb Antal: A Pendragon legenda
2008.08.17. 17:46 szamárfül/pável
1 komment
Címkék: casanova times arany jános ady endre shakespeare platón dosztojevszkij kipling goethe nietzsche friedrich huxley aldous vergilius milton john dante a byron george luther m poe edgar allan andersen hans christian descartes rené cooper j f doyle arthur conan fludd robert saurat denis hermes trismegistos kästner erich cagliostro alessandro villiers de isle adam auguste lenglet du fresnoy nicolas schikaneder emanuel lévy eliphas
Szerb Antal: Szerelem a palackban
2008.08.17. 17:26 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: szerb antal shakespeare milton john kazinczy ferenc keats john aquinói szent tamás eötvös józsef andersen hans christian cato eschenbach wolfram von abélard pierre spectator morning glory szalay lászló
Woolf, Virginia: Messzeség
2008.07.30. 10:19 kiscsiga (törölt)
2 komment
Címkék: times ibsen catullus balzac shakespeare platón beowulf homérosz huxley aldous arisztotelész hardy thomas macaulay pope alexander milton john austen jane chaucer g dryden john swift jonathan pascal blaise shaw george bernard fielding henry keats john burke edmund spencer herbert johnson samuel arnold matthew donne john wedekind brontë sisters brontë emily wilde oscar szophoklész cowper william kékszakáll pindarosz petronius moore george edward wagner richard shelley percy bysshe punch george henry emerson ralph waldo wordsworth william swinburne algernon charles gibbon edward hoffmann e t a jorrocks coleridge samuel taylor addison joseph marlowe christopher webster john symposion mill john stuart szapphó meredith george kingsley charles saga izlandi
Bradbury, Ray: Fahrenheit 451
2008.06.04. 13:28 kiscsiga (törölt)
6 komment
Címkék: biblia buddha shakespeare platón valéry paul schopenhauer aiszkhülosz hardy thomas pope alexander milton john swift jonathan dante a konfucius shaw george bernard darwin charles byron george paine thomas jiménez juan ramón whitman walt faulkner william millay edna st vincent franklin benjamin smith alexander beecher stowe harriet bannerman helen boswell james johnson samuel temple william jefferson thomas caesar gaius julius pirandello luigi oneill eugene arnold matthew browning robert donne john sidney philip dekker thomas jonson ben burton robert bacon francis blake william einstein albert schweitzer albert gandhi mahatma peacock thomas love lincoln abraham machiavelli niccolo russell bertrand herkules ortega y gasset josé magna charta marcus aurelius arisztophanész thoreau henry david carroll lewis függetlenségi nyilatkozat usa alkotmány usa
McEwan, Ian: Vágy és vezeklés (Atonement)
2008.05.29. 14:31 kiscsiga (törölt)
1 komment
Címkék: shakespeare conrad joseph hardy thomas lawrence d h eliot t s milton john chaucer g freud sigmund tagore rabindranath richardson samuel fielding henry gray henry auden w h housman a e keats john petrarca francesco lorris guillaume de meung jean de owen wilfred crabbe george coward noel gilbert w s sullivan arthur connolly cyril byron george burroughs edgar rice bowen elizabeth lehmann rosamond leavis f r woolf virginia bergson henri james henry tertullianus hartley l p
Gee, Sophie: Botrányos viszonyok
2008.05.14. 14:49 kilfenora
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: shakespeare homérosz pope alexander vergilius milton john durfey thomas herrick robert dennis john wycherley william dryden john swift jonathan steele richard lovelace richard suckling john jervas charles addison joseph philips ambrose tickell thomas young edward gay john lord rochester hill aaron

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