Nick Hornby: Hosszú út lefelé
2012.01.12. 16:38 Dün
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Címkék: sun time shakespeare dosztojevszkij vonnegut kurt updike heller joseph salinger j d austen jane woolf virginia rowling j k faulkner william hemingway ernest melville herman orwell george new york times wilde oscar dickens charles newsweek klein naomi rolling stone telegraph thomas dylan behan brendan francis plath sylvia guardian the shelley mary roth philip yates richard levi primo daily express fry stephen carver raymond dazed and confused tartt donna lee harper delillo don ford richard bauby jean dominique patchett ann
Koen Peetrers: Nagy európai regény
2011.01.07. 13:08 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: kertész imre mann thomas heine h frank anne brown dan pessoa fernando döblin alfred levi primo celan paul zweig stefan mann heinrich
Bernhard Schlink: A felolvasó
2009.12.10. 09:22 kiscsiga (törölt)
2 komment
Címkék: csehov hegel homérosz goethe rilke r m mann thomas tolsztoj l ny kafka franz stendhal kant i heine h cicero quintus tullius hemingway ernest schiller f lessing g e styron william spinoza schnitzler arthur keneally thomas levi primo eichendorff joseph von améry jean borowski tadeusz benn gottfried keller gottfried fontane theodor bachmann ingeborg mörike eduard frisch max johnson uwe lenz siegfried zweig stefan wiesel eli
Farkas Péter: Kreatúra
2009.11.26. 12:19 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: platón homérosz goethe rilke r m hölderlin friedrich nietzsche friedrich valéry paul kafka franz epikurosz kleist heinrich von büchner kazinczy ferenc dante a zola émile bacon francis poe edgar allan schiller f arriaga g ovidius biblia zsoltárok walcott derek singer isaac bashevis thoreau henry david biblia tóra biblia jelenések könyve levi primo celan paul pavese cesare sandburg carl pey serge jabès edmond sachs nelly fischer johann georg
Philip Roth: Szellem el
2009.05.17. 21:08 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: times ibsen csehov people shakespeare dosztojevszkij new yorker mann thomas nabokov vanity fair hardy thomas lawrence d h eliot t s milton john pascal blaise keats john byron george hawthorne nataniel bunyan john faulkner william millay edna st vincent capote truman hemingway ernest melville herman orwell george twain mark new york times brontë emily mailer norman stein gertrude james henry frank anne alcott louisa may cooper j f brontë charlotte stevens wallace roth philip wharton edith singer isaac bashevis cummings e e plimpton george commentary ellison ralph partisan rewiew rushdie salman longfellow henry wadsworth lowell robert new york review of books malamud bernard roth henry irving washington esquirescribner levi primo new leader the boston globe berkshire eagle dissent wright richard morrison toni williams carlos willam paris rewiew moore marianne

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