Nick Hornby: Hosszú út lefelé
2012.01.12. 16:38 Dün
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Címkék: sun time shakespeare dosztojevszkij vonnegut kurt updike heller joseph salinger j d austen jane woolf virginia rowling j k faulkner william hemingway ernest melville herman orwell george new york times wilde oscar dickens charles newsweek klein naomi rolling stone telegraph thomas dylan behan brendan francis plath sylvia guardian the shelley mary roth philip yates richard levi primo daily express fry stephen carver raymond dazed and confused tartt donna lee harper delillo don ford richard bauby jean dominique patchett ann
Nick Hornby: Fociláz
2010.01.16. 21:51 Dün
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Címkék: camus shakespeare daily mirror christie agatha swift jonathan sartre j p freud sigmund wells h.g. townsend sue brontë sisters chandler raymond jevtusenko j guardian the sunday times greer germaine buford bill archer jeffrey daily express dubus andre evening standard tevis walter economist the new musical express
Nick Hornby: A Meztelen Juliet
2009.12.14. 11:50 szamárfül/pável
2 komment
Címkék: shakespeare baudelaire charles eliot t s austen jane beckett samuel thackeray william makepeace brontë emily dickens charles shelley percy bysshe biblia jób könyve cohen leonard thomas dylan guardian the arisztophanész dylan bob atwood margaret west nathaniel chronicle mayfield curtis waters sarah ayckbourn alan springsteen bruce
Nick Hornby: Hogy legyünk jók?
2008.11.09. 16:12 szamárfül/pável
3 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare platón tolkien görög mitológia freud sigmund woolf virginia dickens charles chang jung wordsworth william biblia pál levelei hornby nick allen woody eliot george getchell robert bernières louis de guardian the stoppard tom seinfeld jerry hancock tony cook peter däniken e laurents arthur robbins jerome lindsay howard crouse russel csupó bábor groening matt sunday times archer jeffry lucas george biblia sámuel próf könyve hall lee fleming ian harris thomas angelou maya rhinehart luke

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