Lucy Maud Montgomery: A kék kastély
2010.07.19. 11:39 kiscsiga (törölt)
1 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare defoe daniel tennyson alfred kékszakáll perrault charles wordsworth william carlyle thomas biblia pál levelei biblia máté evangéliuma biblia korintusi levél bickersteth edward h whittier john greenleaf carman bliss
Virginia Woolf: Orlando
2009.07.13. 10:20 kiscsiga (törölt)
6 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare görög mitológia defoe daniel macaulay pope alexander milton john dryden john swift jonathan scott walter pascal blaise keats john marvell andrew cicero quintus tullius woolf virginia boswell james johnson samuel donne john sterne lawrence brontë emily wilde oscar tennyson alfred shelley percy bysshe wordsworth william addison joseph marlowe christopher spectator pater walter smiles samuel greene robert berkeley george tatler arthur mondakör browne thomas lamb charles gosse edmund de quincey sackville west vita johnson ben du deffand marie rossetti christina tupper martin farquhar finch anne
Huxley, Aldous: Majmok bombája
2008.12.22. 22:14 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: marx hegel platón dosztojevszkij tolsztoj l ny faust herrick robert hugo victor keats john byron george luther m tennyson alfred golding william shelley percy bysshe wordsworth william biblia zsoltárok beddoes t l biblia újszövetség dirks rudolf biblia ezekiel winsor kathleen loos anita pott percival granville george
Byatt, A. S.: Mindenem
2008.12.09. 14:00 kiscsiga (törölt)
11 komment
Címkék: robin hood times edda biblia korán shakespeare platón dosztojevszkij homérosz kipling goethe grimm yeats william butler spenser edmund pound ezra barthes vergilius milton john austen jane chaucer g swift jonathan cervantes swedenborg emanuel scott walter dante a freud sigmund darwin charles keats john petrarca francesco hawthorne nataniel marvell andrew luther m bunyan john zola émile woolf virginia weil simone whitman walt franklin benjamin donne john bacon francis blake william melville herman poe edgar allan stevenson robert louis schiller f graves robert fitzgerald francis scott brontë sisters brontë emily dickens charles james henry sappho cather willa dickinson emily spinoza tennyson alfred andersen hans christian descartes rené biblia énekek éneke herbert george sand george terentius fourier charles owen robert ágoston szent vico g b lacan jacques emerson ralph waldo wordsworth william swinburne algernon charles gibbon edward coleridge samuel taylor webster john ezópus mill j s renan ernest racine jean michelet jules abélard pierre biblia jób könyve yonge charlotte m barrie j m ward humphrey mrs wyatt thomas trollope anthony ariosto ludovico foucault michel ford madox eliot george derrida jacques de quincey thomas plotinosz vegetti finzi silvia darras jean arthur mondakör tieck ludwig peacock mabel schleiermacher f d e francis dick owen robert dale le goff jacques browne thomas jakab király gaskell elizabeth vaughan henri smollett tobias drucker saul podmore frank fouqué de la motte f bembo pietro watts dunton theodore scrutiny journal drayton michael allingham margery beda venerabilis rosetti christina gottschalk lamb charles stael madame de lewes g h clough arthur hugh bagehot walter wieland c m malory thomas wesley charles rosetti gabriel mayhew henry brazil angela feuerbach l a jános patmoszi wollstonecraft mary cixous héléne gosse edmund fuller margaret lytton lord forster e m martineau harriet wharton edith morris william biblia jános biblia exodus biblia dániel carroll lewis
Nick Hornby: Hogy legyünk jók?
2008.11.09. 16:12 szamárfül/pável
3 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare platón tolkien görög mitológia freud sigmund woolf virginia dickens charles chang jung wordsworth william biblia pál levelei hornby nick allen woody eliot george getchell robert bernières louis de guardian the stoppard tom seinfeld jerry hancock tony cook peter däniken e laurents arthur robbins jerome lindsay howard crouse russel csupó bábor groening matt sunday times archer jeffry lucas george biblia sámuel próf könyve hall lee fleming ian harris thomas angelou maya rhinehart luke
Burgess, Anthony: A narancsműves testamentuma
2008.09.29. 22:21 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: times beatles biblia balzac horatius nabokov plutarkhosz joyce james eliot t s keats john owen wilfred luther m whitman walt dekker thomas blake william roth joseph rabelais francois wilde oscar james henry chatterton thomas ágoston szent wagner richard wordsworth william coleridge samuel taylor marlowe christopher spengler o galsworthy john watson richard ford madox nashe thomas burgess anthony bridges robert pelagius garsta thelma hopkins g m month the evening banner peele g munday anthony thomas dylan behan brendan francis grigson geoffrey carroll lewis
Jasper Fforde: A Jane Eyre-eset
2008.09.08. 14:27 kilfenora
11 komment
Címkék: biblia shakespeare goethe nietzsche friedrich milton john austen jane dryden john swift jonathan pascal blaise fielding henry keats john byron george johnson samuel jonson ben bacon francis blake william poe edgar allan thackeray william makepeace orwell george brontë sisters dickens charles doyle arthur conan shelley percy bysshe wordsworth william coleridge samuel taylor marlowe christopher webster john marston john hall henry barret browning elizabeth stoker bram greene robert nash thomas de vere edward garrick david meres francis trollope anthony brontë charlotte george eliot
Woolf, Virginia: Messzeség
2008.07.30. 10:19 kiscsiga (törölt)
2 komment
Címkék: times ibsen catullus balzac shakespeare platón beowulf homérosz huxley aldous arisztotelész hardy thomas macaulay pope alexander milton john austen jane chaucer g dryden john swift jonathan pascal blaise shaw george bernard fielding henry keats john burke edmund spencer herbert johnson samuel arnold matthew donne john wedekind brontë sisters brontë emily wilde oscar szophoklész cowper william kékszakáll pindarosz petronius moore george edward wagner richard shelley percy bysshe punch george henry emerson ralph waldo wordsworth william swinburne algernon charles gibbon edward hoffmann e t a jorrocks coleridge samuel taylor addison joseph marlowe christopher webster john symposion mill john stuart szapphó meredith george kingsley charles saga izlandi

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