Nick Hornby: Hosszú út lefelé
2012.01.12. 16:38 Dün
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Címkék: sun time shakespeare dosztojevszkij vonnegut kurt updike heller joseph salinger j d austen jane woolf virginia rowling j k faulkner william hemingway ernest melville herman orwell george new york times wilde oscar dickens charles newsweek klein naomi rolling stone telegraph thomas dylan behan brendan francis plath sylvia guardian the shelley mary roth philip yates richard levi primo daily express fry stephen carver raymond dazed and confused tartt donna lee harper delillo don ford richard bauby jean dominique patchett ann
Burgess, Anthony: A narancsműves testamentuma
2008.09.29. 22:21 szamárfül/pável
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Címkék: times beatles biblia balzac horatius nabokov plutarkhosz joyce james eliot t s keats john owen wilfred luther m whitman walt dekker thomas blake william roth joseph rabelais francois wilde oscar james henry chatterton thomas ágoston szent wagner richard wordsworth william coleridge samuel taylor marlowe christopher spengler o galsworthy john watson richard ford madox nashe thomas burgess anthony bridges robert pelagius garsta thelma hopkins g m month the evening banner peele g munday anthony thomas dylan behan brendan francis grigson geoffrey carroll lewis

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